Wiktionary parser will create wikt_parsed database. OK. language code is 'en' OK. n_start_from=1960000 Total pages: 6188929 Loading table `lang`... Loading table `part_of_speech`... Loading table `relation_type`... Loading table `label_category`... Loading table `label`... 1960000: esperneais, duration: 0 min, remain: 0 min Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'esqui̱sa' has section with unknown language: Mecayapan Nahuatl. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'esqui̱sa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ess' has section with unknown language: Yola. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'essa' has section with unknown language: Dupaningan Agta. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'essi' has section with unknown language: Dongolawi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'essi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'essē', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. 1970000: estatuyeron, duration: 0 min, remain: 2 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'estofo', 'gl' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'estravagant' has section with unknown language: Indo-Portuguese. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'estravagant' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'estrupo', 'pt' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'estuary' has translation into unknown language with code: ill. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'estuary' has translation into unknown language with code: bdr. 1980000: estándole, duration: 1 min, remain: 3 min Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'esuc' has section with unknown language: Marrucinian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'esuc' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'esù' has section with unknown language: Italiot Greek. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'esù' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eta' has section with unknown language: Laboya. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eta' has section with unknown language: Westrobothnian. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etaar' has section with unknown language: Nzadi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etaar' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etak' has section with unknown language: Dibabawon Manobo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etak' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etamu' has section with unknown language: Pass Valley Yali. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etamu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etanes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etanta'ñö' has section with unknown language: Maquiritari. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etanta'ñö' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etara' has section with unknown language: Ese. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etara' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etek' has section with unknown language: Karao. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etek' has section with unknown language: Yami. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etemepei' has section with unknown language: Wauja. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etemepei' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eternal' has translation into unknown language with code: nrf. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eteug' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etew' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etew-etew' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ethebee' has section with unknown language: Hadza. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ethebee' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'ethno-' has translation into unknown language with code: zgh. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etiir' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etikkeeng' has section with unknown language: Solon. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etikkeeng' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'etiopico', 'it' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etiy' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eti̱ꞌ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etlhikwa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etot' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etse' has section with unknown language: Rayón Zoque. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etse' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ette' has section with unknown language: Mayo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ettergrøning' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ettersos' has section with unknown language: Elfdalian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ettersos' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ettömujo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etum' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etuŋ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etwo' has section with unknown language: Karamojong. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etwo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'etæristria', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'etë' has section with unknown language: Drehu. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'etë' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eu' has section with unknown language: Bourguignon. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'euille' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'euskefeurat' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'euvre' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ev' has section with unknown language: Vurës. 1990000: evagabor, duration: 2 min, remain: 5 min Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eve' has section with unknown language: Aiwoo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'evek' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'even if' has translation into unknown language with code: xnn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'evening' has translation into unknown language with code: bbl. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'evening' has translation into unknown language with code: psu. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'evertere', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'everything' has translation into unknown language with code: gmw-ecg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'everywhere' has translation into unknown language with code: gmq-bot. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'evidence' has translation into unknown language with code: mel. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'evil' has translation into unknown language with code: lmy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'evil' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: nb and no. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'eviscerata', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'evolutionary theory' has translation into unknown language with code: nds-de. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'evomere', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'evvens' has section with unknown language: Central Franconian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'evvens' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'evò' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'ew' has translation into unknown language with code: acw. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ewa'tö' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ewala' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ewanakaa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'ewe' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: cmn and zh. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eweha' has section with unknown language: Hoyahoya. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eweha' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ewontö' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ewri' has section with unknown language: Abinomn. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ewri' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ewua' has section with unknown language: Lindu. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ewua' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ewyela'ash' has section with unknown language: Cupeño. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ewyela'ash' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ewüütü' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-ampere', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-amperes', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-ampère', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-becquerel', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-becquerels', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-candela', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-candelas', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-coulomb', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-coulombs', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-cycle', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-cycles', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-farad', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-farads', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-gram', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-grams', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-gray', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-grays', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-henry', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-henrys', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-hertz', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-joule', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-joules', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-katal', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-katals', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-kelvin', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-kelvins', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-lumen', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-lumens', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-lux', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-meter', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-meters', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-metre', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-metres', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-mole', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-moles', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-newton', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-newtons', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-ohm', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-ohms', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-pascal', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-pascals', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-radian', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-radians', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-second', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-seconds', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-siemens', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-sievert', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-sieverts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-steradian', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-steradians', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-tesla', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-teslas', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-volt', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-volts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-watt', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-watts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-weber', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exa-webers', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaampere', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaamperes', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaamperio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaampère', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exabecquerel', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exabecquerels', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exacandela', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exacandela', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exacandelas', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exacandéla', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exacoulomb', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exacoulombs', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exacycle', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exacycles', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaestereorradián', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exafarad', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exafaradio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exafarads', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'exaggerate' has translation into unknown language with code: lnd. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exagramme', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exagray', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exagrays', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exahenrio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exahenry', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exahenrys', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exahercio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exajoule', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exajoules', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exajulio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exakelvin', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exakelvins', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exalumen', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exalumens', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exalux', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'examole', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'examoles', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exampere', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'example' has translation into unknown language with code: sea. 2000000: examplexaturam, duration: 3 min, remain: 7 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'examètre', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaohm', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaohmio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaohms', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exapascal', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exapascals', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaradian', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaradians', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaradián', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaseconde', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exasiemens', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exasievert', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exasieverts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exasperata', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exasteradian', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exasteradians', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exastéradian', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exatesla', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exateslas', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exavatio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exavolt', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exavoltio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exavolts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exawatt', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exawatts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exaweber', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exawebers', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'exchange' has translation into unknown language with code: bth. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'exchange' has translation into unknown language with code: xbr. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'excoriationes', 'la' language section has no # Definition. 2010000: exdelegadas, duration: 4 min, remain: 8 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'execrandus', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'exekeke' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'exeto' has section with unknown language: Kwaza. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'exeto' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'exhale' has translation into unknown language with code: syl. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'eximia', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exohm', 'en' language section has no # Definition. 2020000: exortem, duration: 4 min, remain: 10 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'expansiva', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'expectednesses', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'expedita', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'explosion' has translation into unknown language with code: ovd. 2030000: exprimerent, duration: 6 min, remain: 12 min Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'extension' has section with unknown language: Brunei Malay. 2040000: extimescerem, duration: 6 min, remain: 13 min Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'extremely' has translation into unknown language with code: xqa. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exumbilication', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'exuperable'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'exuperable', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'exwa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'exyi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eya' has section with unknown language: Kamula. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eyal' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: aas. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: aau. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: avd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: acm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bdq. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: sne. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: peh. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bor. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pcc. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: scb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xda. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: sce. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: duu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: gmq-gut. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: cak. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: lki. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: olo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: lui. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mhj. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mtq. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: wmw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: fia. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: nus. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: blk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pac. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: raw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ksw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: sib. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: zlw-slv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mvv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tih. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tkn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: jic. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tta. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tzo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: wls. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: wmb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: yxg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eye/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tao. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyebrow' has translation into unknown language with code: duo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyebrow' has translation into unknown language with code: kqr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyebrow' has translation into unknown language with code: dtr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyebrow' has translation into unknown language with code: drg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyebrow' has translation into unknown language with code: bsy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyelash' has translation into unknown language with code: bll. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyelash' has translation into unknown language with code: cay. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyelash' has translation into unknown language with code: ksk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyelash' has translation into unknown language with code: qua. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'eyelash' has translation into unknown language with code: wyi. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'eygðr', 'non' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eyi' has section with unknown language: Toro. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ezi' has section with unknown language: Rwanda-Rundi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eâ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eââto' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eävile' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eên' has section with unknown language: Zealandic. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eên' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eë' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eð' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'eõ', 'tpw' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eûti' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eč' has section with unknown language: Kalasha. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eččida' has section with unknown language: Ludian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eččida' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eŋkur' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'ešuguh' has section with unknown language: Bukiyip. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ešuguh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eželẽ' has section with unknown language: Baenan. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eželẽ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eɗú' has section with unknown language: Ega. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eɗú' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eʉskʉ' has section with unknown language: Tsou. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eʉskʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eʔe' has section with unknown language: Koroni. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eʔe' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'e̱nxe̱' has section with unknown language: Mezquital Otomi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'e̱nxe̱' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eθa' has section with unknown language: Yekhee. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eθa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'eⁿ'' has section with unknown language: Guerrero Amuzgo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'eⁿ'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'eⁿ-á', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'e书本', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'e商业', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'e商务', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'e学习', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'f'n' has section with unknown language: Jersey Dutch. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'f'n' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'f'ue' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'f'ueevi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'f'ʉsʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fa' has section with unknown language: Phuthi. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fa' has section with unknown language: South Marquesan. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fa' has section with unknown language: Wuvulu-Aua. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fa'inay' has section with unknown language: Amis. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fa'inay' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fa^detay' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fa einnoppa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'faa' has section with unknown language: Jamamadí. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'faa' has section with unknown language: Woleaian. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faa3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faa6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faai1', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faai2', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faai3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faai4', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faai6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faak1', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faan1', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faan2', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faan3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faan4', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faan5', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faan6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'faaq' has section with unknown language: Thao. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faaq' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faat1', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faat3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faat6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faau2', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faau4', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faau6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fable' has translation into unknown language with code: cpn. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fableâ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fabliau' has translation into unknown language with code: roa-brg. 2050000: fabrefacientem, duration: 7 min, remain: 15 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faccedilade', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'face' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: arz and ary. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'facinerosa', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'factura', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fadisoso'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fadowac' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faengʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'faeraek' has section with unknown language: Satawalese. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faeraek' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fafahi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fafai' has section with unknown language: Central Bontoc. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fafai' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fafikfik' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fafine' has section with unknown language: Saposa. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fafine' has section with unknown language: Wallisian. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fafni' has section with unknown language: Konomala. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fafni' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fafofafoy' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fafoy' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fafune' has section with unknown language: Dori'o. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fafune' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fafuy' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fagina', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faha' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fahdil' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fahlk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fahlkj' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fahsu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fai' has section with unknown language: Li'o. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fai' has section with unknown language: Maybrat. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fai' has section with unknown language: Ngadha. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fai1', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fai2', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fai3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fai6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faice' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faicillitai' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faicueultai' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faifil' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'failios' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faim' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fain' has section with unknown language: Siar-Lak. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fair-', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faire lai meigne grize' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faire peute feing ài queicun' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'faitnakkä' has section with unknown language: Gutnish. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faitnakkä' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fai¹' has section with unknown language: Mulam. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fai¹' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faiçon' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fajera', 'pl' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fak' has section with unknown language: Tboli. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'faka' has section with unknown language: Yaminahua. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fakaloa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fakamoga' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fake' has section with unknown language: Kristang. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faki' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fakici' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fak⁷' has section with unknown language: Biao. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fak⁷' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fala'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'falako' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'falalotong' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'falawa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'falaŋ' has section with unknown language: Puluwat. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'falaŋ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'falcon' has translation into unknown language with code: dta. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faleday' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'falhaan' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fali' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faliyos' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'falkeli' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'falkut' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fall' has translation into unknown language with code: lus. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fall asleep' has translation into unknown language with code: roa-opt. 2060000: fallarien, duration: 9 min, remain: 19 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fallou' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'falo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faloco'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'falohang' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'falschliegen', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'false trevally' has translation into unknown language with code: bno. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'false trevally' has translation into unknown language with code: cyo. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fam' has section with unknown language: Bulu (Cameroon). Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fam' has section with unknown language: Karipúna Creole French. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'familiya' has section with unknown language: Carolinian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'familiya' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'famine' has translation into unknown language with code: mrw. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'famönnes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fan' has translation into unknown language with code: ibg. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fan1', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fan2', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fan3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fan4', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fan5', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fan6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fanaway' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faneleka' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fang4', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fang6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fanges' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fangfor' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faniuw' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faniw' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fanm' has section with unknown language: Guianese Creole. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fanme' has section with unknown language: Champenois. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fanme' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fanoh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fanol' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fanthe' has section with unknown language: Estado de México Otomi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fanthe' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fanz' has section with unknown language: Bouyei. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fanz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fan³' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fao^' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faqlhu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'far' has translation into unknown language with code: ask. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'far' has translation into unknown language with code: kxd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'far' has translation into unknown language with code: xug. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'far' has translation into unknown language with code: okn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'far' has translation into unknown language with code: trm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'far' has translation into unknown language with code: wbk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'far' has translation into unknown language with code: rys. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'far' has translation into unknown language with code: yox. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faragi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'farawé' has section with unknown language: Arbore. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'farawé' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'farlighet', 'sv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'farm' has translation into unknown language with code: bol. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faroro' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'farsk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'farsöster' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fart' has translation into unknown language with code: mhy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fart' has translation into unknown language with code: tft. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fart' has translation into unknown language with code: tvo. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'farta', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'farukuz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'farul' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 2070000: fascinareu, duration: 14 min, remain: 28 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fasiyaw' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fass' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fastan', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fasu^' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fasādo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fat' has section with unknown language: Buli (Indonesia). Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fat' has section with unknown language: Kowiai. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fat' has section with unknown language: Slavomolisano. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fat' has section with unknown language: Yamdena. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fat1', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fat3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fat6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fata' has section with unknown language: Mairasi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fata'an' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fatan' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fataskift' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: ami. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: amg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: bnn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: mng. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: gup. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: jra. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: jje. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: gmw-jdt. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: ckv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: kla. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: mcm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: inm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: yrl. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: sje. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: rad. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: sxr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: xsa. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: xsy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: xsv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: trv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: ssf. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: tsu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: wne. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'father' has translation into unknown language with code: yuz. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fathær' has section with unknown language: Old Danish. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fathær' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fati' has section with unknown language: Blablanga. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fati' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fatsʼí' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fatsꞌi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fau2', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fau4', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fau6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faur', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fawah' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fawm' has section with unknown language: White Hmong. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fawm' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fawori' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fax机', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'faya' has section with unknown language: Aukan. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faya' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faya wataa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fayi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fa³' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faþa', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faþir' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'faþom', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fağn' has section with unknown language: Scanian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fağn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faš' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fažo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'faːla' has section with unknown language: Inebu One. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'faːla' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fcuyu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fe' has section with unknown language: Gwahatike. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fe1', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fe3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fead' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feango' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'feather' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: no and nb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'feather' has translation into unknown language with code: kmc. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fecacido'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feced' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'feel' has section with unknown language: Old Catalan. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'feeling' has translation into unknown language with code: gmw-cfr. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feemm' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feengt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feezo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fefeg' has section with unknown language: Itawit. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fefeg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'feferintaze' has section with unknown language: Abaga. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feferintaze' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fei1', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fei2', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fei4', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fei6', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feigd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feille' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feiyjiy' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 2080000: fejek, duration: 21 min, remain: 42 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'felac' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'felalotong' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feli' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'felino', 'gl' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feläsväj' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'female' has translation into unknown language with code: xgn-mgl. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femboi', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'feminacentrism', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'femme' has section with unknown language: Poitevin-Saintongeais. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtampere', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'femtan' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-ampere', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-amperes', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-becquerel', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-becquerels', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-candela', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-candelas', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-coulomb', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-coulombs', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-cycle', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-cycles', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-farad', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-farads', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-gram', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-grams', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-gray', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-grays', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-henry', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-henrys', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-hertz', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-joule', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-joules', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-katal', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-katals', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-kelvin', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-kelvins', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-lumen', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-lumens', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-lux', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-meter', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-meters', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-metre', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-metres', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-mole', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-moles', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-newton', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-newtons', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-ohm', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-ohm', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-ohms', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-pascal', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-pascals', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-radian', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-radians', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-second', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-seconds', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-siemens', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-sievert', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-sieverts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-steradian', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-steradians', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-tesla', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-teslas', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-volt', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-volts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-watt', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-watts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-weber', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femto-webers', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoamperio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoampère', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtocandela', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtocandéla', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtocycle', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtocycles', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoestereorradián', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtofaradio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtogray', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtograys', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohenries', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohenrio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohenry', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohenrys', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohercio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohertz', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohm', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohm', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohms', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtohms', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtojulio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtokelvin', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtokelvins', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtolumen', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtolumens', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtolux', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtomoles', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtomètre', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtonewton', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtonewtons', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoohm', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoohmio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoohms', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtopascal', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtopascals', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoradian', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoradians', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoradián', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoseconde', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtosiemens', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtosievert', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtosieverts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtosteradian', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtosteradians', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtostéradian', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtotesla', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoteslas', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtovatio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtovolt', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtovoltio', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtovolts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtowatt', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtowatts', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtoweber', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'femtowebers', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fencepost' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: nb and nn. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'feng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fenge' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fengo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fengte' has section with unknown language: Jamtish. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fengte' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fenikkusu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feohʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ferarangad' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ferel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'ferfenw', 'cy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ferg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fermentation' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: cdo and nan. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fermentation' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: nan and cdo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fern' has translation into unknown language with code: ivv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'ferry' has translation into unknown language with code: pkc. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fers' has section with unknown language: Crimean Gothic. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'ferī', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fesnyttu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fesoc' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'fessitude'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fessitude', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. 2090000: festarem, duration: 27 min, remain: 53 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fetaräij' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fetir' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feurnetre' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feva' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fevel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fever' has translation into unknown language with code: ccp. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'feča' has section with unknown language: Fulniô. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feča' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'feʉ'ʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ffeor' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fi' has section with unknown language: Fas. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fi'i' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fi-búw' has section with unknown language: Noone. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fi-búw' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fi-nsɛ́sè' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fi-tene' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fiamma', 'it' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fianna', 'ga' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiau' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fibervari' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ficcion' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'ficekot' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fidadoki' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fideicide', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fidengal' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'fidomo'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fidomo', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'field' has translation into unknown language with code: sem-srb. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fiev' has section with unknown language: German Low German. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiev' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fifin' has section with unknown language: Niwer Mil. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fifin' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 2100000: figée, duration: 34 min, remain: 66 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiher' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fihid' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fihla' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fija', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fikuna' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fil' has section with unknown language: Judeo-Tat. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'filalotong' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'filamentosa', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'filfil' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'filh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'filhaq' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'filial' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: nb and no. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'filie' has section with unknown language: Old Latin. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fillôte' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fim', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fin' has section with unknown language: East Yugur. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'finacadan' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fine' has section with unknown language: Futuna-Aniwa. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fing3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'finger/translations', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'finger/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: slr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'finger/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: sto. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'finger/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tbl. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fingernail' has translation into unknown language with code: myu. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'finitiko' has section with unknown language: Kalo Finnish Romani. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'finitiko' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'finn å' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'finnköko' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'finnos' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fire/translations', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fire/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: agm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fire/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: cdm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fire/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: skb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fire/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: sgh. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fire/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tdd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fire/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: vgr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'firefly' has translation into unknown language with code: plw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'firefly' has translation into unknown language with code: ghs. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'firefly' has translation into unknown language with code: hts. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'firefly' has translation into unknown language with code: kdj. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'firefly' has translation into unknown language with code: pqm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'firefly' has translation into unknown language with code: cts. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'firefly' has translation into unknown language with code: orh. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'firefly' has translation into unknown language with code: hus. 2110000: fireproofings, duration: 42 min, remain: 82 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'firigana' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'firiganya' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'firin' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'firini' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'firkløver', 'nb' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'firkløver', 'nn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'first world problem' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: yue and cmn. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fisct' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: guq. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: agn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: amp. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: amm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ama. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: abt. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: adw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: aan. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: anz. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: aby. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pni. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: api. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: apn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: apu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: aro. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: arr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: awt. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ark. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: asb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: avv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kmn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bhv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bkq. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bkr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xkl. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: blw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bwi. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kys. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bdb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bei. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: beg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: byd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bvk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bkn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bqr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: bfg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ram. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: cav. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ncb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: cod. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: crn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ddw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: dny. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: duw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pez. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: grt. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: gmw-rfr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: gub. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: gvj. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: hix. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: hov. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: txi. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: abx. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ito. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: djo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kag. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kay. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xnb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kxn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kyz. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xkn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kzi. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xel. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xem. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: knx. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: knl. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xke. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xbi. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kui. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xks. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kyr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kwk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: lhn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: lbx. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ttw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: lud. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mbn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mpd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mpu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xdy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mht. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xgn-mgr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: msk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mch. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mzr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: msb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mpq. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mbl. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mmh. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: iro-min. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: moc. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mxd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mzp. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mtd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mxr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mbj. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: nab. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: nnt. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: psy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: neg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: shb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: cag. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mbr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: opy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: gmq-oda. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: orw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: oac. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: oaa. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: otd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: plu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kre. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pak. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pab. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: aap. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pth. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: paw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: plg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pud. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pna. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: puj. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pur. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: qui. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ree. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: rir. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: rkb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: scg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: xsu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: sbx. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: sge. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: skp. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ona. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: shs. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: skv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: lnl. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: smw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: twy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tiy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: asu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tqw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: tjg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ude. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: umi. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: umo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: urb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: whk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: gae. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pav. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: wau. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mqs. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: pne. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: wut. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: asn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'fish/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: yaw. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fisken', 'sv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fiskens', 'sv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiskj' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiskjälä' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fita'ol' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fitakola' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fitawngi'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fitil' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fitili'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiting' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fitoka' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fiu3', 'yue' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: coj. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: cro. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: dz and bo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: cel-gau. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: kjj. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: klb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: nai-kum. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: mat. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: mov. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: mlm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: ppi. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: rth. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: rug. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: sip. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: ocu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'five' has translation into unknown language with code: yaq. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fivghærtivghæ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiwa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiyac' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiyaw' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fizfiz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fi¹' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fiɲíi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'fj', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fjahl' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fjelle-rup' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'fji' has section with unknown language: Babanki. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fji' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fjustrut' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fjärkäs' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fjärkäsam' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fjönt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fjöörn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fją̊s' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fj̆aka' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fkoi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flag' has translation into unknown language with code: iai. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flag' has translation into unknown language with code: ncg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flag' has translation into unknown language with code: hdn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flag' has translation into unknown language with code: pri. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flag' has translation into unknown language with code: caf. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flag' has translation into unknown language with code: woe. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flag' has translation into unknown language with code: ane. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'flairfållt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'flaith', 'ga' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'flaith', 'sga' language section has no # Definition. 2120000: flapie, duration: 52 min, remain: 101 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'flark' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'flarkmyr' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flash flood' has translation into unknown language with code: dis. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flash in the pan' has translation into unknown language with code: duf. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'flattär' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fleeje' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'flejä' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'flesu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fleu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'fliint' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'flister' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'flittär' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flood' has translation into unknown language with code: ksc. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flood' has translation into unknown language with code: ifk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'floor' has translation into unknown language with code: lod. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'floor' has translation into unknown language with code: emb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'floor' has translation into unknown language with code: kzt. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flour' has translation into unknown language with code: kgp. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flour' has translation into unknown language with code: kmv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flour' has translation into unknown language with code: vkp. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flower' has translation into unknown language with code: anq. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flower' has translation into unknown language with code: xul. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'flower' has translation into unknown language with code: yka. 2130000: flugiloj, duration: 70 min, remain: 133 min