Wiktionary parser will create wikt_parsed database. OK. language code is 'en' OK. n_start_from=0 Total pages: 6188929 Recreating the table `lang`... Loading table `lang`... Recreating the table `part_of_speech`... Loading table `part_of_speech`... Recreating the table `relation_type`... Loading table `relation_type`... Recreating the table `label_category`... Loading table `label_category`... Recreating the table `label`... Loading table `label`... Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '!1', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '!vote', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '" "', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article ''', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article ''', 'pl' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''Oria' has section with unknown language: Kanakanabu. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''Oria' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''Uvea' has section with unknown language: Wallisian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''Uvea' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '' '', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''a'leb' has section with unknown language: Saisiyat. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''a'leb' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''acicim' has section with unknown language: Amis. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''acicim' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''acipi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''acocol' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ada' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''adeteng' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''adi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''adingo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''adipangpang' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''adipel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''adiping' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ae'ay' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aehoe'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aelaw' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''aer' has section with unknown language: Zealandic. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aewpir' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''afala' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''afar' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''aha' has section with unknown language: Mojave. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aha' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ai'i' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ak'ak' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''alem' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ali' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''alic' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aliki' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''alilis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''alo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''alopaynay' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''anc' has section with unknown language: Tzeltal. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''anc' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''and' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''angiirisi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aniacanga' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''animʉtʉka' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aniura' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''anuupica' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aor' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''apangʉ' has section with unknown language: Tsou. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''apangʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''apasʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''apiicara' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''arasakai' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''atatavaang' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''atay' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''atiimua' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''atikak' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''atimela' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''atimla^' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''au' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''avaang' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''avasʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''aviki' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ayam' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''ba' has section with unknown language: Bahnar. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ba' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''bar' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''bih' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''boh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''brê' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''bôh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''ch-' has section with unknown language: Yola. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ch-' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''dojü' has section with unknown language: Maquiritari. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''dojü' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''edef' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''edefen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''eecuru' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''eee' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''ehaa' has section with unknown language: Ipai. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ehaa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''emamosa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''iarʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''iciuru' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''iisawut' has section with unknown language: Gabrielino-Fernandeño. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''iisawut' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''iitar' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''ima' has section with unknown language: South Marquesan. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ima' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''imi' has section with unknown language: Margi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''imi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''ipai' has section with unknown language: Tauya. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ipai' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ipai aniyamo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ipai omamo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''iseeng' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''itʉʉn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''mahani' has section with unknown language: Northern Paiute. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''mahani' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''may' has section with unknown language: Kavalan. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''may' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''mê̆' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article ''n', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ngam' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''o'ol' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ocea' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''odal' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ofad' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''okak' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''okoy' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''oner' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ong'ong' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ongcoy' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''oning' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''onohu'u' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''opo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''opo^' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''orad' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''orip' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''oway' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''si' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''tadii' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''tawai' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ua' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''uleeki' has section with unknown language: Luiseño. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''uleeki' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''umpax' has section with unknown language: Cashibo-Cacataibo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''umpax' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''unɨ' has section with unknown language: Mehináku. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''unɨ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''urai' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''utini' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''wa'tö' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''waicha' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ya'kwökö' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ya'müttü' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''ãmri' has section with unknown language: Apinayé. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ãmri' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''í' has section with unknown language: Kyenga. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''í' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''íĩ'ìĩ' has section with unknown language: ǃXóõ. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''íĩ'ìĩ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article ''ɨ' has section with unknown language: Kamayurá. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ɨ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ʉcʉpʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title ''ʉnʉ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '(…)', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '(笑)', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-', 'ko' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-'kö' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-'na' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-'no' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article '-'s' has translation into unknown language with code: gmw-ecg. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-'se' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-'ñojo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-- --', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '--heh', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '--lah', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-//-', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-BÉÉZH', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-CHOZH', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-CHʼIL', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-CHʼĄĄʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-DZIL', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-DZÍÍʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-DÁÁZ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-DÉÉL', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-GAII', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-GEED', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-GHAAZH', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-GIZ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-GOʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-GĄĄZH', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-JÉÉʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-KAAD', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-KÉÉZ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-KĄĄD', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-LID', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-NAʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-NAʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-NIIʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-NÁ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TAAZ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TEEL', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TSIZ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TSʼEEʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TÁÁL', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TĄ́', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TŁAH', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TŁÉÉʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TŁʼÍÍD', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TʼEʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TʼIʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-TʼÓÓD', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-WOD', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-YAA', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-YÉÉL', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-YĄĄD', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ZHIIZH', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ZID', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ZO', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ZǪ́Ǫ́Z', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-aachí' has section with unknown language: Crow. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-aachí' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article '-able' has translation into unknown language with code: nds-de. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ains', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-al', 'gv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-ali' has section with unknown language: Lushootseed. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-ana' has section with unknown language: Phuthi. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-anyi' has section with unknown language: Wanyi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-anyi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ar', 'ca' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article '-ation' has translation into unknown language with code: nrf. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ato', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-aš', 'hit' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ba', 'eu' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-baraay', 'kld' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-bee' has section with unknown language: Hadza. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-bee' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-beki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-bii' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-biki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-biro' has section with unknown language: Caranqui. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-biro' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-bona' has section with unknown language: Jamamadí. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-bona' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-buela' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-buri', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-bí' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chama', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-che' has section with unknown language: Central Franconian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-che' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-chen' has section with unknown language: Dongxiang. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-chen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-chi' has section with unknown language: Yine. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chin', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chitsu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chon', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chííh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chííł', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chąąʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chą́ą́ʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chįįh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chįįł', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chį́į́ł', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chʼiizh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chʼil', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-chʼíízh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-da' has section with unknown language: Kambera. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-da' has section with unknown language: Laboya. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-dai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-dha', 'kld' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-din' has section with unknown language: Nyishi. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-din', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-diz', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-dloh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-dloʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-dlą́', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-domo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-dono', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-dzííʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-díís', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-dü' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-dįįd', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-e' has section with unknown language: Tzotzil. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ein', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-eins', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-eka' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-el-', 'eo' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ella', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-enai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article '-er' has translation into unknown language with code: gmq-bot. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ertaa', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ey', 'gv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-fuzei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-gatsu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ghaazh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ghazh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-gháázh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ghą́', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ghą́ą́ʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-gii' has section with unknown language: Northern Haida. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-gii' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-gu' has section with unknown language: Kwini. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-guiam' has section with unknown language: Allentiac. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-guiam' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-hai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-hako' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-haku', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-han', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-heet' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-hiki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-htia', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-htua', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-hän', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-hōdai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-iae', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ica', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ido', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ila', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-ing' has section with unknown language: Fuyug. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-inh' has section with unknown language: Indo-Portuguese. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-inh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-io', 'it' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ish', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ish', 'gv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ish', 'gv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-isisa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-isks', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ists', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ita', 'it' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-iza', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-iþa', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-jin', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-joi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-jool', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-jooł', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-ka' has section with unknown language: Curripaco. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-ka' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-kaan', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-kai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-kama' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-kami' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-ke' has section with unknown language: German Low German. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-kei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-kin', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ko', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-kunu-' has section with unknown language: Garawa. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-kunu-' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-kurru' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-kwar' has section with unknown language: Urubú-Kaapor. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-kwar' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-kä', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-kään', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-kö', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-laa', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-lagua' has section with unknown language: Panzaleo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-lagua' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-las', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-laus' has section with unknown language: Westrobothnian. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-leeh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-leo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-leʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-lichere', 'enm' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-lish', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-lizh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-lo', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article '-logy' has translation into unknown language with code: zgh. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ltaa', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-lyest', 'enm' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-léero' has section with unknown language: Mayo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-léero' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-lééh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-lį́į́ʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-mari' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-masu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-mawari', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-misia', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-mita', 'kal' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-mona' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-moto', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nakwe' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-nami', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-nano' has section with unknown language: Hixkaryana. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nano' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-nasai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-naun' has section with unknown language: Wauja. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-naun' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nda' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nei' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-neʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-ngga' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nggai' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nggama' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nggami' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nggau' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nggu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-ni' has section with unknown language: Mecayapan Nahuatl. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-nih', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-niih', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-niiʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-nin', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nja' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-nko', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-nííh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nña' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-nö' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-pa', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-pas', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-phee' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-phii' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-pigal' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-piro' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-puela' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-pä', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-päs', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-pí' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-ragua' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-rin', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ritsu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-rtaa', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ryō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-s', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-s', 'sv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-sei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-sensei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-sha', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-shiki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-sho', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-shō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-soku', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-su' has section with unknown language: Rukai. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-sugi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-taba', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tachi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-taputa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tare', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-tero' has section with unknown language: Highland Popoluca. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-tero' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-to' has section with unknown language: Kalo Finnish Romani. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-todoke', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-tojo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-tope' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tso', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tsubu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tsukai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tsʼíísí', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-txi' has section with unknown language: Kaxuyana. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-tám' has section with unknown language: Tepecano. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-tám' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tłʼó', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tłʼóół', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tłʼǫ́', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-tʼeʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-uh', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-us', 'pl' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-usta', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-vuohta' has section with unknown language: Pite Sami. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-wa', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-waka' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-wurru' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-wy', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-yak' has section with unknown language: Kalasha. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-yak' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-yasel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-yą́ą́ʼ', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-yō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-zhiish', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-zhiizh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-zhíísh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-á' has section with unknown language: Ngam. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-áil', 'ga' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-æ' has section with unknown language: Old Danish. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-îsa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-îsîsa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-þ', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-þro', 'got' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-čəɬ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-łł' has section with unknown language: Bella Coola. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-łł' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-ŋgyiza' has section with unknown language: Nzadi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-ŋgyiza' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-ɗa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ʼEEZH', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ʼįįd', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ʼįįh', 'nv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-βιβάζω', 'el' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-γραφία', 'grc' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-θερμος', 'grc' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-φάγος', 'grc' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-φανής', 'grc' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-φοβία', 'grc' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-φρων', 'grc' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-бавить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-бирать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-бороть', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-вадить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-вергнуть', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-вестить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ветвить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ветрить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-вратить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-выкнуть', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-гда', 'cu' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-гибать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-глянуть', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-градить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-далить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-дирать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ее', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-езжать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ей', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-жигать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-жидать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-жимать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-жинать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-зволить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-зирать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-зывать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-иць' has section with unknown language: Old Novgorodian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-иць' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-йти', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-кладывать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-клинить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ключить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ко', 'cu' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-л', 'mn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-лагать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-легать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ленить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-личить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-менить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-местить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-минать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-мирать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-мкнуть', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-мо', 'cu' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-мыкать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-низить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-нимать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-нять', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-общить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-пинать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-пинать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-пирать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-пирать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-полнить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-поясать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-прячь', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-пять', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-речь', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ронить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ручить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-рывать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-силить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-скочить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-скучить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-слонить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-смеять', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-совывать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-сочить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-становить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-стигнуть', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-стичь', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-стревать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-стрелить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-стрять', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-сылать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-сыпать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-сытить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-сыхать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-творить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-тирать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-тязать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-хитить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-цепить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-чать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-чинать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-читать', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-шибить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-щепить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-яснить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-яснить', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-سى', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-سىز', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-غۇچى', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-قۇچى', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-كۈچى', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-لىرى', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-لىق', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-لىك', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-لۇق', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-لۈك', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-مۇ-', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ى', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ىمىز', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ىڭ', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ىڭلار', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ىڭىز', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ي-', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ڭ', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ڭلار', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ڭىز', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-گۈچى', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ۇڭ', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ۇڭلار', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ۈڭ', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '-ۈڭلار', 'ug' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-ࡖ' has section with unknown language: Mandaic. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-ࡖ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-ए' has section with unknown language: Rajbanshi. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-অক' has section with unknown language: Old Assamese. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-গোটা' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-নি' has section with unknown language: Hajong. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-ভায়' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-লৗ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-ৰৗ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '-ৰৗগে' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '-મું' has section with unknown language: Vaghri. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '...?', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '//', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '/ /', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '/ameeni' has section with unknown language: Iraqw. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title '/ameeni' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '00后', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '10.', 'no' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '100-meter dash', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '100 meter dash', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '100米栏', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '100米跨栏', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '11.', 'no' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '110米栏', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '110米跨栏', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '11区', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '1812年战争', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '18禁', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. 10000: 1980's, duration: 1 min, remain: 762 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '1号电池', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '2.', 'tr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '20国集团', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '250', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '2B', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '2号电池', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '3.', 'tr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '3000米障碍', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '360度无死角', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '3K产业', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '3K党', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '3K黨', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '3m', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '3s', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '3š', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '3号电池', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '4.', 'tr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '400米栏', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '400米跨栏', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '470', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '4号电池', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '502胶', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '502胶水', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '520', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '5号电池', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '66', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article '7' has section with unknown language: Squamish. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '70后', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '747', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '7号电池', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '80后', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '8頭身', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '90后', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '996', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article '9·11事件', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article ';', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Acheron. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Alekano. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Amarasi. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Ambrak. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Anal. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Angami. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Anuki. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Araki. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Ashéninka Pajonal. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Assiniboine. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Atsahuaca. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Auhelawa. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Avokaya. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Awara. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Balanta-Kentohe. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Barai. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Bari. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Blagar. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Busa. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Chachi. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Chiwere. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Cofán. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Cypriot Arabic. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Dagbani. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Domari. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Duun. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Elfdalian. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Fe'fe'. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: German Sign Language. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Jarai. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Juǀ'hoan. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Kaingang. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Kakabai. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Kawésqar. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Kobon. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Kwak'wala. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Lou. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Mampruli. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Mankanya. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Marba. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Maskelynes. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Mayoyao Ifugao. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Muinane. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Nisga'a. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Noon. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Nuer. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Okanagan. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Papuan Gimi. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Q'eqchi. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Ronga. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Saafi-Saafi. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Shilluk. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Tigon Mbembe. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Tonkawa. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Tuareg. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Tundra Nenets. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Tyap. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Udihe. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Wakhi. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Xârâcùù. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Yele. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'A' has section with unknown language: Zarma. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'A-lí-san', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'AAA电池', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'AA电池', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'ABC群岛', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'ABO血型系统', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'ABS树脂', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'AB胶', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'ASCII艺术', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'ATM机', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'AV画质', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Aachen' has translation into unknown language with code: gmw-cfr. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aadboor' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aadboors' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aadler' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aaf' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aaft' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Aag' has section with unknown language: Rhine Franconian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aant' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aap' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Aashaadha' has translation into unknown language with code: vgr. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Abantea', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Abbel' has section with unknown language: East Central German. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Abbel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Abbott and Costello', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Abel' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: cmn and yue. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Abraham' has translation into unknown language with code: roa-brg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Absalom' has translation into unknown language with code: jdt. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Abw', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Aby', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Acapulco' has translation into unknown language with code: azg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Acayucan' has translation into unknown language with code: poi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Achtergaten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Achtergatt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Achtergedanken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Achtinge' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Achâf' has section with unknown language: Kom (Cameroon). Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Achâf' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Acoetem' has section with unknown language: Old Latin. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Acoetem' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Acoeti' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Acoma' has translation into unknown language with code: kjq. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Acroteleutium'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Acroteleutium', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Acuej³' has section with unknown language: Chicahuaxtla Triqui. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Acuej³' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Adam's apple' has translation into unknown language with code: ckv. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Adder' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Adeboor' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Adeboors' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Afghanistan' has translation into unknown language with code: dty. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Afghanistan' has translation into unknown language with code: kbp. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Afghanistan' has translation into unknown language with code: olo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Afghanistan' has translation into unknown language with code: lrc. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Afkaat' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'African hunting dog' has translation into unknown language with code: teo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'African hunting dog' has translation into unknown language with code: jbk. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Afteek' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Afuganisitani' has section with unknown language: Rwanda-Rundi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Afuganisitani' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Afun' has section with unknown language: Tboli. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Afun' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Agartala' has translation into unknown language with code: syl. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Aghighi', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Agrigento' has translation into unknown language with code: roa-tar. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Aika', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Aiko', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Ailill mac Máta'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ailill mac Máta', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Aimi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Aipôcailypse' has section with unknown language: Bourguignon. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aipôcailypse' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aipôlon' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aisen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aissompcion' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Aka-Kora' has translation into unknown language with code: ack. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Akad' has section with unknown language: Maguindanao. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Akad' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Akat' has section with unknown language: Lun Bawang. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Akat' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Akes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 20000: Akihito, duration: 2 min, remain: 818 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Akita-ken', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Akitaken', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Akitsu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Akiyama', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Akizu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Akr', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Alaxchíiahu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Albania' has translation into unknown language with code: paq. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Albin Noa', 'gv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Alexander' has translation into unknown language with code: mrw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Algarve' has translation into unknown language with code: roa-opt. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Ali' has translation into unknown language with code: sem-srb. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Alihkaluusúu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'All Saints' Day' has translation into unknown language with code: gmq-jmk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Allat' has translation into unknown language with code: sem-his. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Allington', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Alonto' has section with unknown language: Maranao. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Alonto' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Amagi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Amairgin mac Echit'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Amairgin mac Echit', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Amatsukaze', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Ambar' has section with unknown language: Volga German. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'American' has translation into unknown language with code: mez. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'American badger' has translation into unknown language with code: xgf. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'American badger' has translation into unknown language with code: pao. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'American black bear' has translation into unknown language with code: klb. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Amino', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Amish bus driver rule', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ammalapáshkuua' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Amur' has translation into unknown language with code: dta. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'An-pêng', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Anan', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Andrias', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Andō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Angola' has translation into unknown language with code: lki. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ankōru', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Antwoord' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Antwoort' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Anuksenlinnu' has section with unknown language: Livvi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Anuksenlinnu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Anzanshi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Aoyagi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Apke' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Appel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'April' has translation into unknown language with code: xbr. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Apteek' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Apudyus' has section with unknown language: Limos Kalinga. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Apudyus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Aqʼabʼal' has section with unknown language: Kaqchikel. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Aqʼabʼal' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Arabber', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Arak' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 30000: Arambulas, duration: 5 min, remain: 1131 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Arbeid' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Arbeiden' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Arbëreshë', 'sqi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ariake', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Arifi', 'rif' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Arika', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Ark of the Covenant' has translation into unknown language with code: pkp. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Armita' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Artognou' has section with unknown language: Proto-Brythonic. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Artognou' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Arvt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Arvte' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Arvten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Asai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Asao', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ashibi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ast', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Astur-Leonese', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Asunaro', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ataru', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Athyridacea', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Atyap' has translation into unknown language with code: kcg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Aurangabad' has translation into unknown language with code: acw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Australia' has translation into unknown language with code: gmw-rfr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Australia' has translation into unknown language with code: svm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Australian magpie' has translation into unknown language with code: bvr. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Australian magpie' has translation into unknown language with code: gue. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Australian magpie' has translation into unknown language with code: ibd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Australian magpie' has translation into unknown language with code: mpj. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Australian magpie' has translation into unknown language with code: nbj. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Australian magpie' has translation into unknown language with code: wth. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Avend' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Avenden' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Azores' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: nb and no. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'A̱tebet' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'A书', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'A货', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'A钱', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'B', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'B@Sfhead-PalmAcross B@FromSfhead-PalmAcross' has section with unknown language: Indian Sign Language. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'B@Sfhead-PalmAcross B@FromSfhead-PalmAcross' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'BB机', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'BB枪', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'BP机', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Baam' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Baarten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Baaxawuaashí' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Baba' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Backelse' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bada' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Badakhshan' has translation into unknown language with code: xwo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bade-Wöötebersch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bajore' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 40000: Balaam, duration: 16 min, remain: 2478 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Balinese alphabet', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Balz', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bankova', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Baretta', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Barg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Baro fooros' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Barrwang-Yaluk' has section with unknown language: Wathaurong. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Barrwang-Yaluk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bart Simpson', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Barv' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Barven' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Bassig' has section with unknown language: Ibanag. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bassig' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Bats' has translation into unknown language with code: bbl. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Batsche' has section with unknown language: Sathmar Swabian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Batsche' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Bawrh-saia' has section with unknown language: Mizo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bawrh-saia' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bedd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bedden' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Beek' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Been' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Begünn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bei' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Beidel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Beikoku', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Beken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Belljie' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Benen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Bengal tiger' has translation into unknown language with code: kip. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Beothuk' has translation into unknown language with code: bue. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Berahino' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Berch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Beru', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Berun', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bessem' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bessems' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bessen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bessens' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Beuker' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Bhaarat' has section with unknown language: Caribbean Hindustani. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bhaarat' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Bi' has section with unknown language: Bura. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bibels' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bibiliya' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Bible' has translation into unknown language with code: sky. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Bible' has translation into unknown language with code: wls. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bibliya' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Biel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bild' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bildhauer', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Billings' has translation into unknown language with code: cro. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bir' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Birk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 50000: Biscayabukten, duration: 25 min, remain: 3154 min Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Bishnupriya Manipuri' has translation into unknown language with code: saz. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bispeel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bispelen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bispill' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bispillen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bispälen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bispääl' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bispööl' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Biyarnis' has section with unknown language: Karao. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Biyarnis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Biyirnis' has section with unknown language: Brooke's Point Palawano. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Biyirnis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Biâu-le̍k', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Blas' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bloot' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Blot' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Blotwoosch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Blotwursch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Boll' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bollen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Bondye' has section with unknown language: Seychellois Creole. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Booch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Boor' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Booren' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Boov' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bornwater' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bost' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Botter' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Botterlicker' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Botterlickers' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bottervagel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bottervagels' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bottervögel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bottervögels' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Botz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Bouyei' has translation into unknown language with code: pcc. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Boven' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Braa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Braam' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bramen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Brandeborsch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Brassel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Brasselsch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Brassler' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Breefduuv' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Breefduven' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Breei' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Breme' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Brengel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Breoer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Brisbane' has translation into unknown language with code: yxg. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Broden' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Broder' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Brood' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Broodje' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Broodjes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Broot' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Brot' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Brotke' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Bruderhof' has section with unknown language: Hutterisch. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bruderhof' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Brun' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bruun' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bröck' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Buch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bucog', 'ceb' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Buddha' has translation into unknown language with code: inc-ash. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Buddha' has translation into unknown language with code: xqa. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Buer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Buern' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Buernhuus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bulljaarije' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 60000: Buniowska, duration: 35 min, remain: 3676 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bunken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bunzel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bunzler' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Buresuto', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Burmese' has translation into unknown language with code: rki. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Burmese' has translation into unknown language with code: tvn. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Butz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Buuk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Buur' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Byakko', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Byistj' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bànpō', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Báng-kah', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Bâ' has section with unknown language: Transylvanian Saxon. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bâ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bân-lâm-gí', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bân-lâm-gú', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bälliin' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bärg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bäum' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Båogg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bèi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bìlǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bìxiù', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bólè', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bólì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bólíng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bósī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bögd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Böggel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Böker' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Börk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Börvik' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bösch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Böverflach' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Böverflääg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Bööm' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bùshí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bûn-san', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bālí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bān-hôa', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bān-êng', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bānjí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bānàdé', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bāshǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bāto', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bāxī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Běi Sòng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Běidà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Běifānghuà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Běihǎi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Běijīng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bōshu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bōyīn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bōzhǒng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bō͘-lîm', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Bǎidù', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'B细胞', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'CAVALO^LISTRA' has section with unknown language: Brazilian Sign Language. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'CAVALO^LISTRA' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'CD光盘', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'CD播放机', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'CD机', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'CHON', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'CHON', 'pt' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'COR', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'COTR', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Cairbre Nia Fer'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cairbre Nia Fer', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Calgary' has translation into unknown language with code: sto. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cambodian accessory', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Canadian football' has translation into unknown language with code: bob. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Candelaria' has translation into unknown language with code: ote. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Caramca' has section with unknown language: Waiwai. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Caramca' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Carlus', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cassius', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ca̱pñɨɨm' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Centre-Val de Loire', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Cet mac Mágach'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cet mac Mágach', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Cethern mac Fintain'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cethern mac Fintain', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. 70000: Cezgyangh, duration: 60 min, remain: 5272 min Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Champenois' has translation into unknown language with code: roa-cha. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Charles Darwin', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Charles Dickens', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chau Chau', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cheko', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chesha', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cheshā', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chhit-tó͘', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chiang-hòa', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Chichúchi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chiemsee', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chihaya', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chikara', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chikyū', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chikō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Chilean flamingo' has translation into unknown language with code: kuz. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'China' has translation into unknown language with code: lic. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'China' has translation into unknown language with code: jje. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'China' has translation into unknown language with code: rad. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'China' has translation into unknown language with code: nst. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chinese calendar', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chiong-hòa', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chio̍h-mn̂g', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chiri', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Chitral' has translation into unknown language with code: kls. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chiân-tìn', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Chjasin Nīxin' has section with unknown language: San Juan Atzingo Popoloca. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Chjasin Nīxin' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Chress' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Chressfess' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Christ' has translation into unknown language with code: kqn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Christian' has translation into unknown language with code: mhy. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Christiansborg', 'da' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Christmas' has translation into unknown language with code: ofo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' has translation into unknown language with code: kek. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Churrabool' has section with unknown language: Yagara. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Chyà' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cháng'é', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cháng'ān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cháng Jiāng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chángshā', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chángtài', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chángzhēng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chángzhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cháoyáng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cháozhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chéngdé', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chéngdū', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chéngtián', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chìfēng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chó-iâⁿ', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chóngqìng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chāngjí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chō-kiô', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chōsen', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chūbu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chūichi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chūnqiū', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chūtō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Chūxià', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Cmbrau' has section with unknown language: Arem. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Cmbrau' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Cochjīsō' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Coeur d'Alene' has translation into unknown language with code: crd. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Conall Cernach'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Conall Cernach', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Conall the Victorious'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Conall the Victorious', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Conchia' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Cook Islands' has translation into unknown language with code: lu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Copenhagen' has translation into unknown language with code: gmq-oda. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Cormac Cond Longas'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cormac Cond Longas', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Coxcatlán' has translation into unknown language with code: poe. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Coxoliyacac' has section with unknown language: Cosoleacaque Nahuatl. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Coxoliyacac' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Coxolyacac' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Coxrjō' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Crack', 'de' language section has no # Definition. 80000: Cribb, duration: 91 min, remain: 7009 min Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Croat' has translation into unknown language with code: gmw-gts. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Ctaacpara' has section with unknown language: Pawnee. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ctaacpara' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Cupimʌ' has section with unknown language: Copainalá Zoque. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Cupimʌ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cuī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cycle', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Cynanchum' has translation into unknown language with code: tao. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Czechia' has translation into unknown language with code: vor. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Cóha' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Cāngjié', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Cɨac' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'C罗', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'C语言', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'C调', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'DHwty', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'DNA', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'DVD机', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Daach' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Daad' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Daag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Daal' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dacht' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Daden' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Daigo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Daiyū', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Daka' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dalen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dango', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dapperkeit' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dau' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'David' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: cmn and yue. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'David' has translation into unknown language with code: lsd. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dba', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dd', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dd-mdw', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ddw', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Debř', 'cs' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Deenaalee' has section with unknown language: Koyukon. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deenaalee' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Deenadhee' has section with unknown language: Lower Tanana. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deenadhee' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deenadheet' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deenst' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deensten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deepde' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deepden' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deert' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deerten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deerter' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deev' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dei' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dei vos condeuze an veigne meûre' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dei vos condeuze au veing meûr' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deibel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Democratic Party', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Denadhe' has section with unknown language: Holikachuk. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Denadhe' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Denali' has translation into unknown language with code: aht. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Denali' has translation into unknown language with code: ing. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Denali' has translation into unknown language with code: hoi. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Denali' has translation into unknown language with code: koy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Denali' has translation into unknown language with code: taa. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Denali' has translation into unknown language with code: kuu. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Denaze' has section with unknown language: Upper Kuskokwim. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Denaze' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Dengadh' has section with unknown language: Deg Xinag. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dengadh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dengadhi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dennst' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dennsten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Densdaach' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deren' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Deusu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deven' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Deveree' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Devereen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dezau' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Dghelaay Ce'e' has section with unknown language: Ahtna. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dghelaay Ce'e' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dierd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Diert' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dierten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dierter' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dimaculangan', 'tgl' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dingsdaach' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dingsdaag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dingsdag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dird' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dirt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Disimbri' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Diān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Diāna', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Diānchí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. 90000: Dlǫ́ʼí_Yázhí, duration: 121 min, remain: 8246 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Doch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Doi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Doisii' has section with unknown language: Aukan. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Doisii' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Doken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dokter' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dokterin' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dokterinnen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dokters' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Doktersch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Doktersche' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dokterschen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Domingko' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Dongxgok' has section with unknown language: Hlai. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dongxgok' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Donis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Donnersdaach' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dook' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dosei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Douglas fir' has translation into unknown language with code: kwk. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Drank' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dranken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Droom' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Drunk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Drunken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Druuv' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Druve' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Druven' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dräsdn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dt', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Duch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dulimbai gurun', 'mnc' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dunduhina' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dunnersdaag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dunnersdag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dursch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Duuv' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Duven' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Duvenhuus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Duvenhüser' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Duvenhüüs' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Duwa' has section with unknown language: Gunwinggu. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Duwa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dwarg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Dzungaria' has translation into unknown language with code: sjo. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dà Xué', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dà Yǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dàbā', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dàbǎn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dàdū', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dàlǐ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dànshuǐ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dànèi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dàpéng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dàqiáo', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dàxué', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dàyuè', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dàyú', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dáfó', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dákǎ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dåch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dèngzhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dédǎo', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Déwén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dìlì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dìlānà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dìnghǎi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dìngxiàn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dìngzhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dìqiú', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dìxīng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dôm' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dören' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dörp' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dösseldorp' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Döör' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Düffer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dünnersdag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dür' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dēngzhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dēvanāgarī', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dōha', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dōngběi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dōngguǎn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dōngjīng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Dōngshā', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Dōrji' has section with unknown language: Solon. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dōrji' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Dʼiyoos' has section with unknown language: Mopan Maya. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Dʼiyoos' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'ELIZA', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'EU-migrant', 'sv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Earth' has translation into unknown language with code: ovd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'East Frisian' has translation into unknown language with code: stg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Easter' has translation into unknown language with code: bth. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Easter' has translation into unknown language with code: gmq-gut. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Eastwooding', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ebeer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eberen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eech' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eed' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eerdbeei' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eerdbejen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eernst' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eestland' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eevtaske' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eevtaskes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Egyptian pyramid'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Egyptian pyramid', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Eichi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Eigo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Eiji', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Eio', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Eiwigkeit' has section with unknown language: East Franconian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eiwigkeit' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Eizō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. 100000: Eldorado_do_Sul, duration: 150 min, remain: 9144 min Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Elector' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: no and nb. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Elisabetha', 'la' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Elizabethkingia', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eng' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Eng-bûn', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Eng-gí', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Eng-ko', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Engelsch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'English' has translation into unknown language with code: nez. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'English' has translation into unknown language with code: ncg. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Enk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Erbovirus', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Erbus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Essel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Essensschule' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Etamin', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Etna', 'it' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Etna', 'pt' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Europa', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Europa', 'sv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Eñua' has section with unknown language: Bukiyip. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Eñua' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'E编码', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'F1赛车', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Error (IndexForeign.insertIfAbsent()):: native_lang == foreign_lang, It's possible that Wiktionary article about foreign word contains translation section! foreign_word='FIFA'; native_page_title = 'FIFA' Error (IndexForeign.insertIfAbsent()):: native_lang == foreign_lang, It's possible that Wiktionary article about foreign word contains translation section! foreign_word='International Federation of Association Football'; native_page_title = 'FIFA' Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fahn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Famillich' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Fang' has section with unknown language: Fang (Bantu). Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Faroy' has section with unknown language: Gutnish. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Faroy' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Faten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fatt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fattikahn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Feald' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fedder' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Federal Trade Commission'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Federal Trade Commission', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. 110000: Feeney, duration: 188 min, remain: 10421 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Feier' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Felix' has translation into unknown language with code: roa-leo. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fenikkusu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Fergus mac Róich'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fergus mac Róich', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ferke' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fesch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fettgänske' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Feut' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fever' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Finland' has translation into unknown language with code: mki. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Finland' has translation into unknown language with code: sje. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Finnish' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: no and nn. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Finnlandt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Fionn mac Cumhail'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fionn mac Cumhail', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fleech' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fleeg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fleerling' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fleerlings' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fleesch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Flegen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fless' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Flessen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fliet' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Flitzepee' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Flönz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Foater' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fohl' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fonz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fonzie', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fott' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fouer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Foß' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Framlänning' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Framlänninga' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'France' has translation into unknown language with code: zhx-teo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Frankrish' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fredensduuv' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Freedaag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Freedag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Freeiheid' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Freidaach' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Friday' has translation into unknown language with code: sea. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Friedaach' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fro' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Froo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Frooch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Frädensduuv' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Frönd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fründin' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fründschap' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fründschappen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fründschop' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fründschoppen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fründskupp' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fründskuppen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fubuki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fue', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fujio', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fumio', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fushi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fuß' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fàguó', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fànwén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fànyǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fàshǔ Guīyǎnà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fó', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fösch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fööt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fùguì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fùkāng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fùlǐ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fùyú', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fúdǎo', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fújiàn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fúsuí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fúwá', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fúxī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Füer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Füertüüch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Füertüüchen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fōku', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fūrō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fūshi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fǎguó', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fǎlún Gōng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fǎshǔ Bōlìníxīyà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fǎshǔ Bōlìníxīyǎ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fǎshǔ Guīyànà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Fǎyǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fɨnyuyn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fɨ̀ndoŋ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Fɨ̀nkuyn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ga.', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gackel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 120000: Gadafism, duration: 222 min, remain: 11241 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gaffud' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gaka', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gaku', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ganner' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ganners' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gasthuus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gasthüser' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gasthüüs' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gaun', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Geboort' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Geboorten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Geboortsdaag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Geboortsdag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gedank' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gen'ei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Genbu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gendai-eigo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gendai Eigo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Genki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Genta', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'George VI'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'George VI', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'German' has translation into unknown language with code: sac. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'German' has translation into unknown language with code: paw. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Geus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Geus'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gewerke', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Geweten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ghuragvan' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Gilgit' has translation into unknown language with code: bsk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Gilgit' has translation into unknown language with code: scl. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gilke' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gio̍k-lí', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gist', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Git', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'GitHub', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Glieknis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Glieknissen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gloms' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Glomsd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Glomskopp' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Glomsnickel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Go Dai Myōō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'God' has translation into unknown language with code: ksf. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'God' has translation into unknown language with code: ses. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'God' has translation into unknown language with code: yaq. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Godai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Godai Myōō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gomu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Goos' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gorō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Goäd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 130000: Gpr26, duration: 277 min, remain: 12916 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Grannros' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gröönhöker' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gröönhökerin' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gröönhökerinnen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gröönhökers' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gröönhökersch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gröönhökersche' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gröönhökerschen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gsr', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Guatemala' has translation into unknown language with code: ksw. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Guiqzouy' has section with unknown language: Bouyei. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Guiqzouy' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Guld' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guren', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gurinijji Hyōjunji', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gurē', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gurīn', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guìgǎng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guìlín', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guìxiàn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guìyuè', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guìyáng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guìzhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guójì Rìqí Biàngēng Xiàn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guójì Rìqī Biàngēng Xiàn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guómíndǎng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guānhuà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guānyīn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guānzhōng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guīchéng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guīyànà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guīyǎnà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guǎngdōng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guǎngdōnghuà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guǎngxī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guǎngzhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Guǎnzi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gvisxul' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Gäld' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gî-lân', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gòngchǎndǎng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gònggōng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Göken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Göök' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Göös' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Göös'' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gùgōng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gùyuán', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gāna', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gānsù', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gāomíng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gāoxióng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gāozhī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gōngchéng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gōnggōng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gōta', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gūguru', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gūshān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gūsū', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gǎigé Kāifàng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gǒu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gǔgē', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Gǔyīngyǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'G点', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'H'Ê-Wa' has section with unknown language: Rade. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'H'Ê-Wa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Haak' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Haavke' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Haavkes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Habana', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Haeisnaems' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Haida' has translation into unknown language with code: hdn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Haida' has translation into unknown language with code: hax. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Haitian Vodoun Culture Language' has translation into unknown language with code: hvc. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hajime', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hakaru', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hakkai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hakko', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hakobune', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hakushū', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Halve Hahn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hamaru', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hamato', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hamborsch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hambuorg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Handa', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Handwark' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Handwarken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hantō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hapy', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Haruaki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Haruka', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Hawaii' has translation into unknown language with code: oka. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Haxe' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Haxen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 140000: Haya, duration: 346 min, remain: 14953 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hayes', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hazabee' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hazane' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hazuki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hebreeuwse Bijbel', 'nl' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hebrew calendar', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Hebrews' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: nan and cmn. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Heian', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Heisei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Heita', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Heken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hemb' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hemmel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Heßße' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Higurashi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hiiragi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hiji', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hikō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Himb' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hinnersböl' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hinode', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Hinplus' has section with unknown language: White Hmong. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hinplus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hiong-san', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hiromi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hiryū', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hirō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hirōmi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hisakata', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hmoob' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hnk', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Ho' has translation into unknown language with code: hoc. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hoa-liân', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hoase' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hoat-gí', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hoat-gú', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hock' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hohn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hoken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hokkyokuguma', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hokuto', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Holocaust denial', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Holocaust denier', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Holyo' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Homura', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hond' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hongō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Honk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hoor' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Horen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hori', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hoshi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hot' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hotoke', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hous' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hr', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hrt', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hry', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Htp', 'egy' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Huibis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Huichol' has translation into unknown language with code: crn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Huichol' has translation into unknown language with code: hch. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hunn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hunnig' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Hunyo' has section with unknown language: Masbatenyo. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huànyuán', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huáinánzǐ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huáng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huáng Hé', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huángdì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huángshí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huányuán', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huáqiáo', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huárén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huáyì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huáyǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Huīgūniang', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hyakunin Isshu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hàn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hàn-Táng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hànjiān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hànkǒu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hànwén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hànyǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hànyǔ Pīnyīn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hànzú', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hái-toan', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Háng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hánguó', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hángzhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hánwén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hányǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Härjott' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hätz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hélán', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Héyuè', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hóngshuǐ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hông-hô', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. 150000: Höhlenmensch, duration: 425 min, remain: 17125 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Höhnerogen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Höhneroog' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Höukmark' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hù-lí', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hùyǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Húběi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Húnán', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Húrén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hüms', 'az' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hüser' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hüttspott' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Hüüs' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hā'ěrbīn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hāmì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hāsàkèsītǎn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hāwǎnà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hēilóng Jiāng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hēilóngjiāng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hēitiān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hōan', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hōjō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hōki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hōng-lîm', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hōrai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hōshō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hūhéhàotè', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hǎimén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Hǎinán', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I'm hungry' has translation into unknown language with code: sju. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: acn. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: avd. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: crx. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: duu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ksk. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: clm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: kla. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mcm. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: lhu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: lsi. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mhx. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mfy. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: vmg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: nag. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: neg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: mrq. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: oac. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: oaa. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: par. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: gmq-pro. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: rkt. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: squ. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: txg. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: txh. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: cof. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: ude. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: wao. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I/translations' has translation into unknown language with code: atb. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'ISO 216', 'mul' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'I have a dream', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'I love you' has translation into unknown language with code: bnt-phu. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Iatmul' has translation into unknown language with code: ian. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ibuki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ichii', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ichirō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Icyongereza' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Iemochi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ierd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ies' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Iesjökel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ifaar' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Iffar' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Igeta', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Igo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Iha', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ihkaléaxdaaka' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ijnqui' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ikkō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Illech' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ilomanči' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Imbomáani' has section with unknown language: Matlatzinca. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Imbomáani' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Imtojáti' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Inday Badiday', 'ceb' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Indian corn' has translation into unknown language with code: tzo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ingang' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Insicht' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Insichten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Iori', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Ireland' has translation into unknown language with code: yol. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Isamu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Isao', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Isnin' has section with unknown language: Yakan. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Israel' has translation into unknown language with code: caq. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Israel' has translation into unknown language with code: msw. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Issei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Issy-les-Moulineaux', 'fr' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Italije' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Itaria', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Itō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'JIRA', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'JJ.', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jaade' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jaank' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jakksmäss' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Januarie' has section with unknown language: Negerhollands. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Japan' has translation into unknown language with code: xug. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Japan' has translation into unknown language with code: tbl. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Japan' has translation into unknown language with code: rys. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jasse' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jeld' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 160000: Jelzins, duration: 586 min, remain: 22094 min Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: itb. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: kzf. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: lew. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: unz. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: mdh. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: plw. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: plc. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: plv. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: sda. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: wlo. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jew's harp' has translation into unknown language with code: yka. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jeṣṭan' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jikō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jirō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jitta' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jizō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiàn'ōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiànchāng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiàndū', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jièxiū', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiādìng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiāngmén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiāngnán', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiāngsū', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiāngxī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiāngyòu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jiǔyībā Shìbiàn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ji̍t-goa̍t-thâm', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ji̍t-pún', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jlas' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Jndaaquitsöꞌ' has section with unknown language: San Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgo. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jndaaquitsöꞌ' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jndaavꞌio' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jnquíjnā' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jnājncōsine' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Johr' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jonas', 'sv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jonk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jott' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jovensuu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jrav' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jrußbrittannije' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Judeo-Spanish', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Judique', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Judæo-Spanish', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Jumaa' has section with unknown language: Lindu. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jumaa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jun'ichi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Junki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Jupiter' has translation into unknown language with code: pmh. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jupiter', 'sk' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jässje' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jässjer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jézus-Chrît' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jìdōng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jìng Pōhú', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jìngpō Hú', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jìnyǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jílín', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Jó' has section with unknown language: Jamtish. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jó' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jökel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Jör' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīduō', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīdū', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīlóng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīngdū', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīngjù', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīngwèi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīngxì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīngyáng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīngzhé', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīngāng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīnhuá', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jīnxīng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jōji', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jōji Taun', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jōjitaun', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jōkō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jōtei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jōwa', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jōō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jūzō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jǐ Shuǐ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jǐnchéng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jǐngyáng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Jǐníng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'K', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ka-gī', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kaat' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kabane', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kagami', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kah-sian', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kaiji', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Kaingang' has translation into unknown language with code: kgp. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kaito', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kajuu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kajuushawa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kakashi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kaku', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kalaṣa-mun' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kallev' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kalür' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kamisi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kamiyashiro', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kaname', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kanayama', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Kangchenjunga' has translation into unknown language with code: sip. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kani-za', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kanjizai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kanke', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kanna', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kannuki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kansai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kansei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kantō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Kapampangan' has translation into unknown language with code: ivv. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kappes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kaptain' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kaptains' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kapuchīno', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Karamojong' has translation into unknown language with code: kdj. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Karasite' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Karei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kark' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Karken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Karuta', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kashiwa', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Katolika' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Katschke' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Katsuma', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Katsuo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Katt' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Katō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kawakami', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kawayanagi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kaĺaśa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ke-lâng', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Keigo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Keita', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kend' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kengo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kensbarg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kensborg' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kenshi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kento', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Kenya' has translation into unknown language with code: kis. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kenzō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Khe-chiu', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Khinalug' has translation into unknown language with code: kjj. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Khàm-téng', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Khərbot' has section with unknown language: Gottscheerish. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Khərbot' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kiat-an', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kiepke' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kiepkes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 170000: Kilobyte, duration: 745 min, remain: 26394 min Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Kimwani' has section with unknown language: Mwani. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kimwani' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kin'ichi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kinda' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kingo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kinji', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kinner' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kinnerheid' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kinnerkrankenhuus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kinnerkrankenhüser' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kinnerkrankenhüüs' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kinryō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kinsei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kinuta', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kinzan', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kirch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kiri', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kiriru', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kisaragi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kishō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kito', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kivinza' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kleed' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kleer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Klör' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Klür' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Klüür' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Knake' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Knaken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Knee' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Knief' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kniefen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Knodde' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Knoken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Knuddel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Knudel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Knöddel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ko-hiông', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Ko I', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Koan-san', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Koe-lâng', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kogarashi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Koh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kojiki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kojirō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Koken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kokuren', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kokësch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Konata', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kong-koán', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kongō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Konohana', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kook' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Koon' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Koorn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Koorns' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kopenhāgen', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Korean melon', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Koria', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kosai', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kose' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Koss' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kosse' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Koter' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kou' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kowibis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kraan' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krabb' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kranen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krankenhuus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krankenhüser' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krankenhüüs' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kreech' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krefft' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krefften' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kriech' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krig' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kriiz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kroaotië' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krock' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kropp' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kruck' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krên' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kröpp' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krütz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krüzen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Krüüz' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kua' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kuchinashi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kuge', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kuh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kujel' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kumogakure', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kunawarr-Keelingk' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kunbarllanjnja' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kunstraub', 'de' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kunwinjku' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kurō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kuu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kuàijī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kuítún', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kuānzā', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Kyaingtong' has translation into unknown language with code: kkh. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'KyōAni', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kyōko', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Käbb' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kägöisalmi' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kåta' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kèlāmǎyī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Köbes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 180000: Köchinnen, duration: 884 min, remain: 29513 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Köh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Köken' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kökens' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Kölle' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Körv' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Körven' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Køpmannæhafn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Künnijin' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Künnisch' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kāgēbē', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kāifēng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kāma', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kānghuí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kāshí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kāshān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kējībī', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kējǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kēlóng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōchō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōichi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōji', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōjin', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōjirō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōju', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōkyo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōmō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōryū', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōsaku', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōsei', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōshi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōta', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōto', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōwa', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōya', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kōzō', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kūnmíng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Kǒngzǐ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'K书', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'K线', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Laak' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Labtom' has section with unknown language: Wastek. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Labtom' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lahatala' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lahs' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Lamerika' has section with unknown language: Slavomolisano. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lamerika' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lanen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Langaj' has section with unknown language: Haitian Vodoun Culture Language. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Langaj' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Langay' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Lanzarote' has translation into unknown language with code: gnc. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Las' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Latin alpha', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lauštralija' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'La̍k-ku', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lebubînî' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lebuhlanu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lebune' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lebutshatfu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Ledders' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Leed' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Leeder' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Leewardsaaret', 'fi' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Leewer' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Leich' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lein' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Leng' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Leol' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Leverke' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Leverkes' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Liberal Party of Canada', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lich' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Liechtensteen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lied' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Liekdoorn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Liekdöörn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lien' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lienen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Liev' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Liiw' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Linggu' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Lios' has section with unknown language: Yaqui. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lios' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 190000: Lisboua, duration: 1160 min, remain: 36639 min Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Littaue' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Liángshān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Liáoníng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Liùyì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Liú', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Liúyuè', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Liǎngguǎng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Lktcā´ma' has section with unknown language: Kathlamet. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lktcā´ma' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Londaꞌa' has section with unknown language: Tataltepec Chatino. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Londaꞌa' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Loog' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Loov' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lord High Admiral', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Loán-loán', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lunis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Luunis' has section with unknown language: Carolinian. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Luunis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Luus' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Luxembursh' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Luxor' has translation into different languages at one line. Language codes: zh and cmn. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Luò', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Luòyáng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Luómǎ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Luósòng tāng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Láibīn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Láizhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lánzhōu', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lâm-chiu', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lâm-chng', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lâm-káng', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Läderlappen', 'sv' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Längd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Längde' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Längden' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Längte' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Längten' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lìmù', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lìmǎ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lìxià', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lí', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lídǎo', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lín'ān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Língdīng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Língwǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Líyuán', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lîn-lo̍k', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Lóegaire Búadach'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lóegaire Búadach', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning: Ok. I guess that this is an article about English word, without language code. Word = 'Lóegaire the Victorious'; in WLanguageRu.splitToLanguageSections() Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lóegaire the Victorious', 'ru' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lóngmén', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lóngshān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lô' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lông-kiau', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Löck' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Löissta' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lùfēng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lú'āndá', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lúnyǔ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lúnú', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lúshān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lúsàkǎ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lüttje' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lüüd' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Lüüs' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lā-Měi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lābātè', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lādīng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lāi-po͘', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lāi-ô͘', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lāsà', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lō͘-se-a', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lō͘-tek', 'nan' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǎozǐ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǐ', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǐ Hǎi', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǐ Sī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǐjiā', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǐjì', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǐxiàn', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǒngshān', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǒngxī', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Lǚsòng', 'cmn' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'MP3播放机', 'zh' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'MRC', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Maag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Maandaag' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Maanden' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WTranslationEntryEn.parse(): The article 'Macanese' has translation into unknown language with code: mzs. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Machi', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Macpacjo̱m' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Madoka', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Madtis' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Magdalena', 'es' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Mahn' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Mahnen' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Main Page' has section with unknown language: Getting started. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Main Page' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Makao', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Maki', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Makibashira', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Makino', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Makio', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Makoto', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Mamoru', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Mana', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Manabu', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Manaka', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Manato', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WLanguageEn.getLanguageType(): The article 'Mandale' has section with unknown language: Lashi. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Mandale' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Mangora' after convert wiki to text: has no text. 200000: Mannoise, duration: 2048 min, remain: 61339 min Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Mantecan', 'en' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Manāma', 'ja' language section has no # Definition. Warning in WiktParser.parseWiktionaryEntry(): The article with the title 'Mardku' after convert wiki to text: has no text. Warning in WMeaningEn.parse(): The article 'Mareo', 'ja' language section has no # Definition.